Mountain Technical Canada Inc specializes in mountain construction and technical services. We do the most technical work in the most challenging mountain environments. Our depth of mountain and industrial experience help us create unique solutions for each customer. Mountain Technical Canada’s mission is focused on a safe work culture, while providing timely, custom services with expert personnel.

Safety is our number one concern at Mountain Technical Canada. Our crew has the skills and experience to get the job done safely and efficiently.
Obellx Installation
Mountain Technical Canada installs the first MND safety ObellX-plus hydrogen blast remote control avalanche exploder in North America.
Our team includes professionals with diverse skill sets
- IFMGA/ACMG Mountain Guides
- SPRAT & IRATA Rope Access Technicians
- Millwrights, Welders, Radio Technicians, Carpenters & Mechanics
- Structural & Geotechnical Engineers
- NDT (Non-Destructive Testing)
- High Angle Drillers/Rock Scalers
- WSBC Blasters of Record